
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Free Pattern: Crayon Pouch

When my three-year-old #1 girl colors, she sometimes finishes by throwing on the floor whichever crayons she hadn't dropped.  I wanted a crayon holder to keep the crayons together, giving her options without letting her make a mess.

There are so many ways to make crayon holders - I have seen great ideas all over the place!  I decided on a small, non folding or rolling one, so that she can access them easily all by herself.  I attached each crayon to the pouch with a string.  When the crayon breaks or runs out, I can untie the string and replace it with a new one.

Sunday, May 20, 2012


I'm on vacation this week!  I'll be back next week with a new pattern, but in the meantime, have you checked out all of these perfect-for-summer patterns?

We use this almost every day in the summer, for bringing suits home from the pool or splash pad. 

The circulation from the cluster spaces makes this perfect for a little one due in the hot months.

Great for an uncoordinated little one to use to pretend to play jump rope outside.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

I took the week off to celebrate with my two girlies and my own sweet mother, visiting from out of town.

Hope you have a special day, and keep up the good work, mommies!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Free Pattern: Swirl Flower

Using a similar technique as the no-sew rose, this flower is a clean spiral, great for making a few into a headband or decorating a hat.